Tag Archive | sourthern savers

Coupons Aren’t Just For Crazy Ladies!


Now that we are into the New Year, one “resolution” you may be saying or hearing often revolves around being more financially smart. We want to save more, invest more, spend less, but keep our quality of life in the process.

When my son was born, money really needed to be stretched, and the help I needed to stretch those dollars even further came in the form of coupons! Now that I know how to use coupons and I’ve seen first hand how much you can save using them, I will never go back to paying full price for certain items.

Now, before you tune out, hear me out…coupons are not just for crazy ladies taking tons of time in the checkout line. I just recently saw a man in a Bi-Lo grocery store with a stack of coupons and his shopping list. SMART man!  If you are curious about couponing, below I’m featuring a blog post from one of my favorite coupon blogs Southern Savers.

This site features great info about how and where to coupon (and no, I’m not getting paid to say this!) Just click on the picture to get started couponing.

From Southern Savers

     If you want to know more about how to get started with coupons, take a look at their list of how to do that. Then stay tuned as I compile a list of my own with tips for how to Make Life Magnificent with coupons! 🙂